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Wendy Retzer, MPT

Pain Relief Coaching

Physical Therapy

Do you limit the fun you have in life because of your current pain?

Are you scared that you’ll never get out of pain?

Do you plan what activities you're going to do based on your pain levels?

If you answered “YES!” to any of these questions then you are in the right place.



Get my free video guide, “First Steps For Pain Free Daysand start to reclaim a fun filled pain free life that you deserve!


Body/Mind Integration Coach & Holistic Physical Therapist, Wendy Retzer supports people in accessing their own healing power to soothe their nervous systems, reclaim their freedom, and prioritize self-care so they can live vibrant and joy-filled lives to pursue their passions, creating a ripple effect of transformation in the world around them. 


Read my story

Resources for every stage of the journey

Online courses

Stay tuned in the next few weeks for updated online courses. If you are interested please click on the link to sign up on the interest list. I will send you a free gift.

1-on-1 coaching

Sign up for a free 30 minute complimentary Freedom from Pain Session Today! Let's create a mini plan together to start you on your pathway living with less pain.  

Schedule a 1:1 call
Group Coaching

Sign up on the email list to receive information for the upcoming new group program classes. When you sign up a free gift will be sent to you to help start you on your pathway to living with less pain. 


The biggest change for me after working with Wendy was becoming empowered with the power of No! 

Ruth B.

Business Owner Mom Volunteer

Nancy D.

Business Owner Design Agency

I feel so blessed and fortunate to have had Wendy work with me during a very pivotal time in my life. She guided me through my pain with new techniques and aided me with insightful understanding of my medical diagnosis. I can’t say enough about my transformation. Thank you Wendy!

Wendy has been instrumental in my healing process. My symptoms have decrease exponentially to where it is not a constant presences in my life. The support Wendy provided me, along with her knowledge and training made this possible.

Nancy E.

Outdoor Enthusiast

Barbara G.

Professional Singer/Business Owner/Mom

I’ve given me permission to take care of me!  

I can’t begin to express the deep transformation that occurred in every aspect of my life

Rebecca Night

Get started with a pain breakthrough session

Complimentary Freedom From Pain Session

Do you limit the fun you have in life because of your current pain?

Are you scared that you’ll never get out of pain?

Do you plan what activities you're going to do based on your pain levels?

If you answered “YES!” to any of these questions sign up for a 30 minute complimentary session where we can create a mini plan to help you start you on your path to pain free living.



Schedule a Freedom From Pain Session

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